

An Automatic Surge Protection Device (ASPD) is designed to protect electrical andelectronic equipment from indirect lighting surge and switching surge.Indirect lightning surge refers to the electrical surges that result from a lightning strike in close proximity to a power or communication line.
Whereas switchingsurge refers to a transient overvoltage that occurs during the switching process inelectrical circuits. The scope of ASPDs continues to evolve as technology advances and electronicsystems become more prevalent in various aspects of modern life. The increasingintegration of electronic devices in diverse applications makes the role ofautomatic surge protection devices crucial in maintaining the reliability andfunctionality of these systems.

An indirect lightning surge typically refers to a transient voltage
or current surge that enters an electrical or electronic system
due to the effects of a nearby lightning strike. These surges can
cause damage to sensitive electronic equipment, including
computers, telecommunication systems, and other devices
connected to the affected lines.

A switching surge, that occurs in an electrical system during switching
operations. These surges can happen when electrical devices are
turned on or off, or when switching between different operational


  • Fully Automatic in Function

  • Handle both +Ve & -Ve Surge voltage

  • Earthing facility not Required

  • No servicing Required

  • No Degradation while handling surge

Automatic Surge Protection Device Speciality


IEC 61000-4-5 international standard, installation class 3?

IEC 61000-4-5 defines different classes for surge immunity tests, ranging from Class 1 to Class 4. Each class represents a different level of severity for the surges applied during testing. Class 3, in the context of surge immunity tests, typically corresponds to a specific set of test parameters. According to IEC 61000-4-5 standard, if the product degrades after one surge pulse, it will not give actual protection.


Technical Specification & Features comparison

Maximum Operating Voltage 230/400 V
Clamping Voltage 4kV
Operating Current 0.5mA
Frequency Range 50-60Hz
Operating Temperature [-]40 to [+]85
Number of Protected Poles 3P+N
Response time 1.2/50 micro second (voltage)8/20 micro second (current)
Certified Standards International Standard IEC 61000-4-5,aInstallation Class 3 [Surge Immunity Test]
Discharge Current (Imax) upto 100A
Voltage Protection Level (Up) upto 4kV
Product Name Suitable For Automatic Surge Protection Device To protect the systems against indirect lighting surge and switching surge
Sl.No Features LP ASPD Other SDP’s
1 IEC 61000-4-5 surge immunity tests in Class 3 Certified (Test carried out more than 240 times by connecting a mobile charger as load) Not complied
2 Earthing Facility Not Required Required
3 Response time 1.2/50 micro second (voltage) 8/20 micro second (current) Micro second for passing surge to earth
4 Any damage while on surge handling No Damage Degradation happens to the GDT, which may cause fire.
5 Servicing the device No Servicing Required Servicing Required
6 Handle both +Ve & -Ve surge Yes, the same device itself handle both +Ve & -Ve surge Not possess the feature
7 Monitoring the device No frequent monitoring required, since the device automatic in function. Frequent inspection required. (Cartridge replacement)


IEC 61000-4-5 international standard, installation class 3.

IEC 61000-4-5 defines different classes for surge immunity tests, ranging from Class 1 to Class 4. Eachclass represents a different level of severity for the surges applied during testing. Class 3, in thecontext of surge immunity tests, typically corresponds to a specific set of test parameters.

Today available SPD in the market require earthing systems for surge handling and will burn after onesurge pulse. According to IEC 61000-4-5 standard, if the product burn after one surge pulse, it will not

give actual protection. Hence can't consider the market available product as a surge protectiondevice (SPD). And also, conscious monitoring required on this device to maintain the protection, andintermediate card replacement needed after few surge events, it's costly.

Leionder Plus ASPD don't require any earthing system for surge handling. And this device will notundergo any burn/damage while surge occurs, have no intermediate card replacement. This deviceis tested as per IEC 61000-4-5 standard. And continuous monitoring not required and no further cost

implied for any part replacement, long life product.

We are recognized as fast growing company in the area of electronics/electric protection and power electronics spread over many states in India. We are committed to provide our customers with unrivalled expertise and support.
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